
Kelvinators, the movie: In The Eye Of The Beer Holder

Kelvinators: In The Eye of the Beerholder

Cynthia van den Heuvel
2022/ The Netherlands/ 50 min

World Premiere

Kelvinators is an Amsterdam/Alkmaar ramshackle punk trio. Jurie, Roel and Frank Kelvinator play everywhere and nowhere: on the street, in pubs, youth centers, living rooms and annually at Cafe Paradiso. This year the band exists 25 years.

Director Cynthia van den Heuvel has been following these darn good guys for the past three years, which has led to the documentary Kelvinators: In The Eye Of The Beerholder. A story about friendship, the love of music and immunity against the “want to be famous” virus.

*This film will be hosted by Wap Shoo Wap Records! Director Cynthia van den Heuvel and The Kelvinators will be present to participate in a Q&A and a live performance!



Friday, 21 April 2023 | 19:00
Melkweg Cinema
Dutch spoken/ English subtitles
Hosted by Wap Shoo Wap Records: Q&A with the director Cynthia van den Heuvel and The Kelvinators + live performance!