Be The Fool

Opening Film Announced!

The opening film for the sixth edition of IN-EDIT NL is here! We are very excited to announce the World Premier of the Dutch film Be the Fool by Joris Postema on Thursday, April 11.

Stick around after the film for an exclusive Q&A session with the director Joris Postema and protagonist Jade Finch, followed by a concert by The Fools’ Romance – featuring members of Wild Romance paying homage to The Fool’s iconic music.

Be The Fool

Be The Fool Joris Postema

Netherlands | 2024 | 88 min | Opening Film + World Premiere:

Discover the colourful legacy of Barry Finch and Josje Leeger, part of 60’s flower pop band The Fool! Their avant-garde artwork and legendary collaborations with icons such as The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix live on through their children. Travel with Jade and Scarlet Finch to the vibrant 1960s and relive their story of music, friendship and self-discovery.